Hello Global Space Analysis Fans! VBSpace: What do it do? ------------------------ It scans the modules in a project (mak) file and determines their individual contributions to the global name and symbol tables. It then displays the modules, and the number of bytes they contributed in a list. For more details, double-click on the list. When viewing module details remember that the Module Level and Local Level items do *not* contribute to the Global Tables, just to the Module tables (which may be displayed in a future version). They're just there for ...well...I don't know why. Oh yeah. The meters tell you how full the Global Tables are. VB Space will not count multiple Variable or Const declarations on a single line. 1 line = 1 declaration for now. What do I do? -------------- Use File|Open to select a project file. VB Space will then churn away through the files and tally the score. Make sure your files are saved As Text, not in Binary format. If a file says 0 for Bytes contributed then that's probably a good indication that it's Binary. You can double-click on a module in the list to view details about that module's contributions. You can double-click on the list header labels to sort the modules by Name, File Size, or Global Bytes. TIP: When switching between Global and Module views repeatedly (e.g. to view all modules one at a time) start at the last item in the list, then position the mouse over the *second to the last row in the list box*. This way you don't have to move the mouse each time you switch views. The list will automatically step you up through the list for items > 10. (I, uh, *meant* to do that.) That's it! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Required VBXs & DLLs --------------------------------------------------------------------- THREED.VBX ' Three-D FLDPAK12.DLL ' FieldPack (Included in ZIP) COMMDLG.DLL ' Common Dialogs --------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION HISTORY --------------------------------------------------------------------- Freeware Version 1.23 10/24/94 (The Ted Young release) --------------------------------- * Fixed bug that caused crash if specified project was in root directory of drive. (Thanks to Ted Young for finding it) * Fixed bug that cause TypeDef scanning to occur if a control on a form had a property called Type. If you had projects that registered over 100% this was probably the cause. (Thanks to Ted Young for finding this one too) * Changed behavior so projects that overload the Name or Symbol tables only get the "Yeeow!" MsgBox the first time through. (Thanks, yet again, to Ted Young for bringing this to my attention). Freeware Version 1.2 10/03/94 --------------------------------- * Added Lines of Code, Number of Comments, and Number of Blank Lines to module info. Only full-line comments are counted in this version. i.e. '-- This is a full line comment (by itself on a line) a = b + c '-- This is not a full line comment * Added Menu options for switching between Global and Module level views. Freeware Version 1.1 08/24/94 --------------------------------- * Added Scanning Status dialog with a percent-done meter * Keeps "VB Space" in the title bar and appends the current project name rather than replacing the title completely. * Improved the Icon slightly. Freeware Version 1.0 08/17/94 --------------------------------- * Module sorting now sorts an index rather than the actual modules to avoid a memory leak in VB and improve efficiency. * Resets to Global overview when a new project is opened. * Finally gave it an Icon. Alpha Version --------------------------------- * Just the file name is displayed in the list now. The path information will be displayed if you view the details for a module. * You can sort the modules by Filename, File Size, or Global Byte Count --------------------------------------------------------------------- FUTURE REQUESTS BEING CONSIDERED --------------------------------------------------------------------- Persistent storage (i.e. File Save) Printing Detailed Global statistical analysis/recommendations Module Name/Symbol table analysis Abiltiy to view Global items on a per module, item type basis (i.e. show me all the Global Consts in GLOBAL.BAS) Any and all requests or suggestions are welcome! --------------------------------------------------------------------- MISC --------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to the Pre-Alpha evaluators for their feedback! * Ralph Friedman * Ibrahim Malluf * Steve Mathews * Alan Mitchell * Karl Peterson * Darryll Pentrancuri * Phil Sauer Thanks guys! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract: VB-Space 1.23 How much do YOU have left? --------------------------------------------------------------------- VBSpace will scan your VB projects and tell you approximately how much Global Name and Symbol Table space is being used. It will also give you a module level breakdown so you can see who's contributing what to those tables. Freeware! Enjoy!